Fitting images - patterned stimuli#

Here we will introduce how to fit images or patterned stimuli, when the number of independent channels available is smaller than the number of stimulation sources (e.g. for a custom projector system with more LEDs than subframes).

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

import dreye

# load previous model
filters_colors = ['lightgray', 'gray', 'black']
sources_colors = ['violet', 'cyan', 'green']

# wavelength range
wls = np.arange(300, 700, 1)
# peaks of the sensitivities
peaks = np.array([380, 445, 535])
# opsin template
# an empty axis is added to the peaks so that the array object has dimension (opsin_type x wavelengths)
filters = dreye.govardovskii2000_template(wls, peaks[:, None])

led_peaks = np.array([400, 465, 550])
sources = norm.pdf(wls, loc=led_peaks[:, None], scale=20)
sources = sources / dreye.integral(sources, wls, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

est = dreye.ReceptorEstimator(
    # filters array
    ### In this case it scales with the value of the filter function (heteroscedastic)
    filters_uncertainty=filters * 0.1,
    # wavelength array
    # labels for each photoreceptor type (optional)
    labels=['S', 'M', 'L'],
    # LED array, optional
    # lower bound of each LED, optional
    # upper bound for each LED, optional - if None, then the upper bound is infinity
    ub=np.ones(3) * 0.1,
    # labels for sources, optional
    sources_labels=['V', 'C', 'G'],

ax1 = est.filter_plot(colors=filters_colors)
ax2 = plt.twinx(ax1)
est.sources_plot(colors=sources_colors, ax=ax2)

ax1.set_xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
ax1.set_ylabel('relative sensitivity (a.u.)')
ax2.set_ylabel('relative intensity (1/nm)')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f81d01aab50>
# load previous image
image = np.load(os.path.join('data', 'flower_image.npy'))
image_wls = np.load(os.path.join('data', 'wls_image.npy'))
# convert hyperspectral image in units of W/m2 to photonflux units (uE)
image = dreye.irr2flux(image, image_wls, prefix='micro')
print(image.shape, image_wls.shape)

im = interp1d(image_wls, image, axis=-1, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)(wls)
im_shape = im.shape[:2]
# reshape to 2D
im = im.reshape(-1, wls.size)

# register adaptation

# target capture
B = est.relative_capture(im)

# rescale value for better contrast, and convert to uint8

def scale_reformat_image(B, im_shape):
    capture_image = (B - np.min(B, 0)) / (np.max(B, 0) - np.min(B, 0))
    capture_image = capture_image.reshape(*im_shape, -1)
    capture_image = (capture_image * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    return capture_image

capture_image = scale_reformat_image(B, im_shape)
print(capture_image.min((0, 1)), capture_image.max((0, 1)))

plt.imshow(capture_image.reshape(*im_shape, -1))
(100, 100, 270) (270,)
(100, 100, 400)
(10000, 400)
[0.13112469 0.10144013 0.03367139]
[0 0 0] [255 255 255]
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f8200eb95b0>

Let’s first rescale the capture values accordingly to fit them all within the gamut (see gamut_corrections.ipynb tutorial for details). This is a useful preprocessing step for the following fitting procedure especially when the intensity scaling of the system is different from that of the image.

_, scales, Bscaled = est.fit_adaptive(
    # maximum difference between scaled intensity and achieved intensity for single sample
    # maximum difference between scaled chromatic value and achieved chromatic value (i.e. l1-normalized sample) for single sample
    delta_radius=1e-4,  # we want to preserve the chromatic values well
    # the two parameters above are highly dependent on the range of values of B
    # here the objectives details are set
    adaptive_objective='max',  # try to obtain the maximum relative intensity and relative chromatic values possible
    scale_w=np.array([0.001, 10]),  # trade-off between intensity and chromatic value for max objective

# how intensity and saturation are scaled

est.gamut_plot(Bscaled, colors=sources_colors, ncols=3, fig_kws={'figsize': (15, 5)}, c='gray', alpha=0.5, vectors_kws={'width': 0.0001})
[0.00066015 0.00048893]
(<Figure size 1080x360 with 3 Axes>,
 array([<AxesSubplot:xlabel='S', ylabel='M'>,
        <AxesSubplot:xlabel='S', ylabel='L'>,
        <AxesSubplot:xlabel='M', ylabel='L'>], dtype=object))

The problem of fewer subframes than LED sources#

Modern custom projector systems allow for the independent control of the subframe number and how each LED is assigned to individual subframe (i.e. they can be combined arbitrarily for each subframe). Here we will go assume that we only have two subframe but that we can arbitrarily combine LEDs in each subframe. To do this we will use the method fit_decomposition. See the API reference for more details:

X, P, Bfit = est.fit_decomposition(
    # the number of subframes
# X are the intensities of each LED for each subframe
# P is the opacity or intensity of each Pixel and subframe
# Thus we get:
# est.K * (P @ X @ est.A.T + baseline) = Bfit
print(X.shape, P.shape, Bfit.shape)
/Users/gucky92/opt/anaconda3/envs/dreye/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/decomposition/ ConvergenceWarning: Maximum number of iterations 1000 reached. Increase it to improve convergence.
(2, 3) (10000, 2) (10000, 3)
for i in range(2):, 6, 2)+i, X[i], width=0.8)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5, 6.5, 2), est.sources_labels)
plt.title("Intensities of LEDs for subframe 1 and 2 (blue and orange)")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Intensities of LEDs for subframe 1 and 2 (blue and orange)')
# goodness-of-fit for the whole image - even with fewer subframes than number of filters
# but with a flexible source assignment for each subframe
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
r2_score(Bscaled, Bfit)

See the API reference for more detail.